If you have lost your teeth, you become self-conscious when talking or smiling. In addition, you develop poor eating habits because you find food challenging to chew to become prone to secondary health problems. Dental implants provide you with a comprehensive restorative option for missing teeth. Dental implants are not like dentures because they provide a tooth replacement solution that acts as your artificial tooth roots, supports full functionality and prevents jawbone resorption. When you replace missing tooth roots with implants, you regain the strength and stability needed to eat the foods you love without the everyday struggle you currently confront. In addition, dental implants help stimulate and maintain your jawbone, preventing bone deterioration and supporting your facial features.
When you research dental implants in Scarborough, ON, you may have a challenging time deciding which type of dental implant best suits your needs. To overcome the challenge, you must visit the dental facility for an evaluation to determine which type of dental implant helps you best. Your jawbone density determines which dental implant you can have.
There are two types of dental implants that the dentist in Scarborough, ON offers you. They are:
An endosteal implant is the most familiar type of dental implant. Endosteal implants are also used as alternatives to a bridge for removable dentures. You can have endosteal implants in three types which are screws, cylinders or bladed. The specialist you visit helps determine which already suits your requirements the best. However, endosteal implants are known for their safety and effectiveness and are currently popular choices.
If you are suitable for endosteal implants, the specialist treating you drill your jawbone to embed a titanium screw to function as your artificial tooth root. You must wait for your soft tissue and bone to integrate around the implant. The healing process requires three to six months. Endosteal implants are acknowledged for their stability because they provide the most stable and natural-feeling results.
Your suitability for endosteal implants confirms that you have sufficient jawbone has and density. However, if you do not have adequate jawbone density, you don’t need to express disappointment because the specialist has an alternative.
If you do not qualify for endosteal implants, the specialist offers you a subperiosteal implant. This variety of implants is suitable if you do not have sufficient jawbone. Subperiosteal implants are placed on your jawbone instead of drilling, and the metal post is visible through the gums to hold dentures.
You can have subperiosteal implants in two appointments with the specialist making the treatment process far shorter than endosteal implants. Unfortunately, subperiosteal implants do not have similar stability to endosteal implants because they are not embedded inside the jawbone but rest over the jawbone held in place by the soft tissue of your mouth. However, subperiosteal implants provide more support than dentures without implants but remain a second choice than a complete endosteal implant system.
You receive encouragement from your dentist to explore various tooth replacement options for your missing teeth. You can choose between dentures, dental bridges, or implants depending on your circumstances and the number of teeth you want replacing. While dentures are a time-tested option, they have drawbacks like slipping and require replacements every five to seven years.
Dental bridges are another option you can consider but must endure a compromise of the adjacent tooth structure next to the edentulous gap. Dental bridges also require replacements after a decade or sooner if you don’t maintain appropriate dental hygiene.
Among the three options, dental implants are excellent, with a success rate of over 96 percent. After getting dental implants to replace your missing teeth, they don’t require any special attention besides brushing and flossing your teeth as you regularly do and visiting your dentist for six-monthly dental exam and cleanings .
Dental implants don’t attract tooth decay, providing you freedom from a problem that may have contributed to your total loss. However, not maintaining the implants as recommended by your dentist in Scarborough, ON can lead to implant failure, especially if plaque deposits accumulate around your remaining teeth and the implanted post. It is why you must get six-monthly cleanings to eliminate plaque and tartar deposits from your teeth to eliminate the risks of gum disease. However, if you want a stable and long-lasting solution for missing teeth, you will find none better than dental implants.
If you want to have dental implants but are unsure about the type, please visit Finch East Dental Care to receive an excellent tooth replacement solution benefiting your oral and overall health.